
The main configuration file is located at the following folder:

  • root/plugins/CustomDifficulty/config.yml

Global configuration nodes

These will affect every world and every region.

    checkForUpdates: true
    useOldGetDifficulty: false
    savePlayerKills: 3
    initMessages: true
    useWorldGuardRegions: true
    minSpawnDistance: 24.0
    maxSpawnDistance: 222.0
    mobSpawnerRadius: 5.0
    mobLimit: 500

Detailed information:

useOldGetDifficulty: false

true/false. Invalid settings will default to false.
Choose whether you want to use the old or the new way to get the difficulty. This will only affect the performance.
Please run some tests with this and tell me which one is faster!
savePlayerKills: 3

Integer between 0 (inclusive) and 10 (inclusive), 0 to disable. Invalid settings will default to 3.
This is only used for the reward depreciation if you use iConomy and set up rewards. It limits how often the reward can be depreciated.
initMessages: true

true/false. Invalid settings will default to true.
Choose whether you want CustomDifficulty to print all messages on startup/reload.
useWorldGuardRegions: true

true/false. Invalid settings will default to true.
Choose whether you want to use the regions feature.
minSpawnDistance: 24

Double between 0.0(inclusive) and 128.0(inclusive). Invalid settings will default to 24. (Or 0/128 if input < 0 or input > 128 )
This is the minimum distance(in blocks) to a player a mob needs to have to spawn.
maxSpawnDistance: 222

Double between 0.0(inclusive) and 222.0(inclusive). Invalid settings will default to 222. (Or 0 if input < 0).
This is the maximum distance(in blocks) to a player a mob needs to have to spawn.
There is a limit of max 222 because more chunks/blocks around players won't be selected for possible spawn locations.
mobSpawnerRadius: 5

Integer greater than or equal to 0. Invalid settings will default to 5.
This is used to avoid players abusing mob-spawners to receive drops or money.
If a mob-spawner is within the defined radius, no drops and reward will be given.
naturalMobLimit: 450

Integer greater than or equal to 0. Invalid settings will default to 450.
This defines a mob limit for the whole server. If the limit is reached, no mobs will be spawned by the spawn-algorithm of this plugin.
mobLimit: 500

Integer greater than or equal to 0. Invalid settings will default to 500.
This defines a mob limit for the whole server. If the limit is reached, no mobs will be able to spawn. Commands, natural mobs, everything will be cancelled.

World configuration nodes

These will affect every region of the corresponding world.
Replace WorldName with the name of your world.

        mobAggressiveLimit: 75
        mobPassiveLimit: 75
        mobFriendlyLimit: 75
        mobChunkLimit: 1
        difficulty: default
            aggressiveness: false
            burnsInSunlight: false
            mobHP: false
            mobDamage: false
            playerVsPlayer: false
            playerVsMonster: false
            reward: false
            lootMultiplier: false
            spawnAlgorithm: false
            burnInSunlight: false
            drops: false
        burnsInSunlightInterval: 20
        spawnInterval: 5
        aggressivenessInterval: 10

Detailed information:

mobAggressiveLimit: 75
mobPassiveLimit: 75
mobFriendlyLimit: 75

Integer greater than or equal to 0. Invalid settings will default to 75.
If this limit is reached, no aggressive/passive/friendly mobs will spawn naturally.
mobChunkLimit: 1

Integer greater than or equal to 0. Invalid settings will default to 1.
If this limit is reached, mobs won't spawn in the chunk. Only mobs spawned by the spawn-algorithm used by the plugin are affected by this.
difficulty: default

A name of one of the files located in /plugins/CustomDifficulty/Difficulties without the .yml extension.
This defines the World's difficulty. You can use the command '/difficulty set DifficultyName' where DifficultyName is the name of one of your difficulty files without the .yml extension.
If the defined difficulty does not exist, the plugin won't do anything in the corresponding world.

true/false. Invalid settings will default to false.
Choose whether you want to use regions for the task in question.
Note: If useRegions is enabled, and the mob is not in a region, or the region doesn't have a valid difficulty, the world's difficulty will be used.

Examples of how useRegions works:

  • spawnAlgorithm

The spawn algorithm selects a Location X to spawn a mob at. If useRegions is enabled for spawnAlgorithm, it will use the Region's difficulty (if x is inside a region) instead of the world's difficulty. Affected values are light level, spawn height, etc.

  • aggressiveness

Mobs can be aggressive in one region, and passive/friendly in another region.

  • drops

Zombies - for example - will drop Diamonds if they die in region X and wool if they die in region Y

Everything else works pretty much the same.

burnsInSunlightInterval: 20

Integer/Tick greater than or equal to 1. Invalid settings will default to 20.
This number enables you to change every how many ticks the plugin will check if monsters are in sunlight and set them afire. (20 Ticks = 1 second).
spawnInterval: 5

Integer/Tick greater than or equal to 1. Invalid settings will default to 5.
This number enables you to change every how many ticks new mobs will spawn. Change this if you want mobs to spawn slower.
aggressivenessInterval: 10

Integer greater than or equal to 1. Invalid settings will default to 10.
This number enables you to change every how many ticks mobs close to a player will be checked for aggressiveness. Increase this to check if this is causing lag, or reduce it if you want mobs to attack a little bit sooner.
Setting it higher will make mobs 'notice' a player later.
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